Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Glow In The Dark Braces

Glow In The Dark Braces Are All The Hype

Medical science never stops amazing me. Not a day passes when we don’t hear about yet another medical procedure that is more efficient or more appealing to the patient. All of us know about various types of braces that an orthodontist gives you to align your teeth. Our elders were quite happy with those ungainly metal braces that showed up like a can of silver anytime you smiled. Over the years, things have changed and dental science has evolved at a tremendous pace. Take a look at variations of braces like the ones make of ceramics or those that are very nearly invisible.  It was a matter of time before braces start entering the realm of fashion and suddenly we had great looking things in flashy colors with wires to match. 

Not Over Yet

The colored variety available today can be fun to wear as they do not look awkward and the user can continue to smile with a sparkle in his eyes. This sparkle is set to go up by a factor of many with the introduction of the ‘glow in the dark’ dental braces. Especially targeted at teens, these fluorescent braces are literally becoming a fashion rage. This sounds a bit like science fiction but the ‘glow’ element can be applied to any existing orthodontic attachment. It is used most commonly however on brackets and supporting bands of braces. The effect is magnetic. When these are applied, your teeth appear to sport a bright, fluorescent presence that attracts a lot of attention. Imagine, just the other day people did not want others to look at them if they were using braces and now; the story is quite the opposite.

The Methodology

This special glow-in-the-dark effect is achieved at the time braces are being prepared by applying a luminescent pigment.  The most common material is a combination of phosphorescent pigment made from zinc sulfide and copper. The beauty is that these braces look like any other type in day time but as the pigment keeps gathering and storing light, the same gets emitted in the dark thus providing that special effect. Of course if one is obsessed with the idea of braces that must emit during the day as well, the same can easily be achieved.

User Is King

We are fully conscious of the possibility that you may tire of using glowing braces all the time. As the user, you decide whether you want temporary glow-in-the-dark braces instead. In these, the bands can be changed each time you visit the clinic for adjustments. Have no fears about harmful effects of chemicals used in making these bands. Your health is in good hands; trust our Miramar orthodontist!