Friday, May 30, 2014

All About Lingual Braces

At Cronauer & Angelakis Orthodontics we are proud that we are in a position to offer a wide range of orthodontic treatments to our patients. One of the specialist treatments that we as orthodontists offer at our practice is lingual braces. We care about our patients, so we have successfully completed the extra training to be able to offer this treatment, and we also attend the continuing education courses in your best interest.

What Are Lingual Braces?

So; what are lingual braces? Well – the word ‘lingual’ means “of or pertaining to the tongue”, so lingual braces are little blocks affixed next to your tongue - on the inside of your teeth. Lingual braces are also sometimes called hidden braces for this reason.
Some teenagers who are going through adolescence are very conscious of their appearance. Others just don’t want anything ‘to cramp their style’! All the same, there are adults who are often in the public eye and who do not want the attention of others to be focused on their teeth rather than on the important things that they are busy with. Lingual braces are ideal for these individuals.

How Are They Placed?

Generally lingual orthodontics will apply to the top teeth. If the braces are used for the bottom jaw, they will however be placed on the outside of the bottom teeth. This is fine though because our bottom teeth are not as visible! Although these braces are not suitable for people who have extreme bite problems or very small teeth, they are perfect for those who enjoy playing sports and the musical ones among us who play wind instruments!

About The Treatment Process

The treatment duration with lingual braces is the same as with normal braces. The results are as impressive as with normal braces too, but appointments take a little longer. They are also more expensive, but there are very good reasons for both – and the benefits are so worth your time and the cost involved!

Fitting lingual braces is a more complicated and technical procedure, and we do not rush it. The brackets themselves cost more than traditional braces because custom-made things always involve higher fees. Also, very specialist equipment is used to make the braces that will eventually reward you with a huge confident smile! Specialized technology such as CAD/CAM and robotic wire technologies are used to make the braces that will sort out your individual, specific needs.

Are you ready to smile bigger and wider? Go ahead and call us then, or drop in at our friendly offices to make an appointment!

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