Monday, December 8, 2014

Tips For Wearing Rubber Bands

Although the brackets are the most noticeable part of your braces, the rubber bands are one of the most important components. These rubber bands are vital tools in applying force to your teeth to move them into proper alignment. If you don’t follow the directions for wearing them, you could actually extend the time that you have to wear braces. Although, we’d love to see more of you, we think getting you a beautiful smile as fast as possible is the higher priority.

  • 1.      Wear them for the recommend amount of time each day. Although wearing them longer the next day to compensate for not wearing them enough the day before may seem like a good idea, this will only cause you additional discomfort without moving your teeth any closer to their proper alignment.

  • 2.       If anything breaks or prevents you from wearing them properly, call us immediately to schedule an appointment.

  • 3.      Always carry extra bands with you when you’re not at home in case one breaks or gets lost following a meal.

  • 4.      Don’t run out of bands! We have plenty at our office. When you find yourself running low swing by to pick up some more.

  • 5.      Change them regularly. The longer you wear them the more stretched out they become. A loose band will not work properly.

Although we wish we could do all of the steps necessary to help you achieve your new smile ourselves, we can’t be with you 24 hours a day. By taking responsibility for your part of the treatment, together we can ensure that you won’t have to wear your braces a day longer than necessary. If you still have questions about wearing your bands, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Call today!

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