Monday, December 8, 2014

Tips For Wearing Rubber Bands

Although the brackets are the most noticeable part of your braces, the rubber bands are one of the most important components. These rubber bands are vital tools in applying force to your teeth to move them into proper alignment. If you don’t follow the directions for wearing them, you could actually extend the time that you have to wear braces. Although, we’d love to see more of you, we think getting you a beautiful smile as fast as possible is the higher priority.

  • 1.      Wear them for the recommend amount of time each day. Although wearing them longer the next day to compensate for not wearing them enough the day before may seem like a good idea, this will only cause you additional discomfort without moving your teeth any closer to their proper alignment.

  • 2.       If anything breaks or prevents you from wearing them properly, call us immediately to schedule an appointment.

  • 3.      Always carry extra bands with you when you’re not at home in case one breaks or gets lost following a meal.

  • 4.      Don’t run out of bands! We have plenty at our office. When you find yourself running low swing by to pick up some more.

  • 5.      Change them regularly. The longer you wear them the more stretched out they become. A loose band will not work properly.

Although we wish we could do all of the steps necessary to help you achieve your new smile ourselves, we can’t be with you 24 hours a day. By taking responsibility for your part of the treatment, together we can ensure that you won’t have to wear your braces a day longer than necessary. If you still have questions about wearing your bands, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Call today!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Who Benefits From Invisalign?

For many of our patients, Invisalign clear aligners have been a dream come true. They love that they can wear braces that are practically invisible and still get a gorgeous smile. The fact that you can take them out while eating or brushing your teeth just makes them even better. Ideally, everyone would be able to benefit from them; but not all patients are candidates. 

To read more about how we select candidates for Invisalign, and to see if they might be the way for you to straighten your teeth, please visit our website!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Is Thumb Sucking Bad For My Child?

Thumbs Down To Thumb Sucking

If your baby was a thumb sucker, it was probably good news for you at the time. Their thumb never got lost, they could pop it in whenever they needed to and it meant less stress for you as a parent. As time went on, you may have realized that this was not a habit they were going to give up any time soon, but does it really matter? The answer to that is a resounding, “Yes!” Thumb sucking that carries over into the toddler and preschool years can actually harm your child’s mouth--especially if the do it throughout the day.

Before the age of 2, thumb sucking is actually pretty harmless and very natural. It used to be believed that as long as the child stopped before their permanent teeth erupted, there would be no oral consequences. Today’s orthodontists no longer believe that to be true. As the child gets older, the sucking motion puts pressure on the upper jaw and the soft palate on the roof of the mouth. Over time, the jaw will narrow and cause the top and bottom teeth to not align properly. This not only requires braces later on, it can also lead to speech problems such as lisps. In extreme cases it can even create a “thumbhole” on the roof of the mouth that can cause the back teeth to take the brunt of the force from regular chewing. 

If your older child is still sucking their thumb, you’re not alone. Approximately 18% of children between the ages of 2 and 6 still do. Here are some tips to help break the habit:

·         Use a Reward System: Have a special calendar that you can mark with a sticker each day that they go without sucking their thumbs. When they’ve reached the amount of days that you set for their goal, give them a special reward.
·         Use a Glove or Mitten: Have them wear a glove or mitten on the hand that they use to suck. This will remind them not to do it when they have a mouthful of yarn or fabric.
·         Never Yell or Scold Them: This is a behavior that brings them comfort so creating more stress for them will cause them to want to do it more often or in secret.
·         Let Them Decide It’s Time: Some children will desire to stop on their own after being teased or embarrassed by the behavior.

If your worried that thumb sucking has done harm to your child’s mouth, it’s time to see the orthodontist. We have several options to reverse the damage caused by this habit and kids are our specialty. Call to schedule an appointment today.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Removable Retainers vs. Fixed Retainers

Once your braces are finally off, the next step in the treatment process is to use a retainer to maintain the position of your teeth over the next 9-12 months. After the time and expense involved with getting your smile just right, you’d hate to have to get braces put back on again! It is even possible to have a removable retainer for the top teeth and a permanent retainer for the bottom teeth, which are smaller and more prone to shifting.
Continue reading about the pros and cons of fixed and removable retainers, please go HERE, to the Cronauer and Angelakis website!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Who Should You See? Orthodontist or Dentist?

Orthodontist vs Dentist

So many people are confused about the difference between an orthodontist and a regular dentist. Both of them are doctors who deal with teeth, so what is the difference between them?  READ MORE...  to make an educated decision about which doctor to see with your dental problems.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Types of Retainers

Dental Retainers At Cronauer & Angelakis Orthodontists

Retainers are worn by my patients either before or after they have has braces in order to keep the teeth in their new position until they have settled. Retainers are custom made and can be either metal or clear. Some patients are required to only wear them at night while others have to wear them 24/7. Patients who wear retainers prior to braces may find them uncomfortable at first, especially with the back teeth, but they are not painful.

Four Types of Retainers

·         Hawley-This is the most well-known retainer. It is made of a metal wire that goes around the back teeth to keep them in place. A plate sits at the roof of the mouth to help keep it in place.
·         Essix- This is another popular name orthodontists are familiar with. This is a clear removable retainer that fits over all the teeth. It is similar to the Invisalign tray.
·         Zendura- This is another clear retainer made of polyurethane. The difference with this retainer is that it is a bit tougher that the Essix, however, it still works the same way.
·         Bonded (fixed) - These retainers are bonded with a wire to the incisors and unlike the other retainers; this one cannot be removed by the patient.

Proper Care for Retainers

I tell patients all the time that properly caring for retainers is just as important as proper care for braces. A removable retainer needs to be brushed as often as the teeth are brushed. Even though the retainer does not go around all the teeth, it is still easy to get food and plaque build-up. For the retainer that is not removable, the patient has to make sure to take the extra time to brush it and not just the teeth.

Another important tip in caring for a retainer is to always keep it in a case when it is not in use. This will prevent it from being damaged or collecting germs. Also, if you play sports, please make sure to remove the retainer and put in in the case in a safe place. Replacing lost or broken retainers can be expensive and it prolongs the teeth straightening process due to the wait times. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

All About Lingual Braces

At Cronauer & Angelakis Orthodontics we are proud that we are in a position to offer a wide range of orthodontic treatments to our patients. One of the specialist treatments that we as orthodontists offer at our practice is lingual braces. We care about our patients, so we have successfully completed the extra training to be able to offer this treatment, and we also attend the continuing education courses in your best interest.

What Are Lingual Braces?

So; what are lingual braces? Well – the word ‘lingual’ means “of or pertaining to the tongue”, so lingual braces are little blocks affixed next to your tongue - on the inside of your teeth. Lingual braces are also sometimes called hidden braces for this reason.
Some teenagers who are going through adolescence are very conscious of their appearance. Others just don’t want anything ‘to cramp their style’! All the same, there are adults who are often in the public eye and who do not want the attention of others to be focused on their teeth rather than on the important things that they are busy with. Lingual braces are ideal for these individuals.

How Are They Placed?

Generally lingual orthodontics will apply to the top teeth. If the braces are used for the bottom jaw, they will however be placed on the outside of the bottom teeth. This is fine though because our bottom teeth are not as visible! Although these braces are not suitable for people who have extreme bite problems or very small teeth, they are perfect for those who enjoy playing sports and the musical ones among us who play wind instruments!

About The Treatment Process

The treatment duration with lingual braces is the same as with normal braces. The results are as impressive as with normal braces too, but appointments take a little longer. They are also more expensive, but there are very good reasons for both – and the benefits are so worth your time and the cost involved!

Fitting lingual braces is a more complicated and technical procedure, and we do not rush it. The brackets themselves cost more than traditional braces because custom-made things always involve higher fees. Also, very specialist equipment is used to make the braces that will eventually reward you with a huge confident smile! Specialized technology such as CAD/CAM and robotic wire technologies are used to make the braces that will sort out your individual, specific needs.

Are you ready to smile bigger and wider? Go ahead and call us then, or drop in at our friendly offices to make an appointment!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Glow In The Dark Braces

Glow In The Dark Braces Are All The Hype

Medical science never stops amazing me. Not a day passes when we don’t hear about yet another medical procedure that is more efficient or more appealing to the patient. All of us know about various types of braces that an orthodontist gives you to align your teeth. Our elders were quite happy with those ungainly metal braces that showed up like a can of silver anytime you smiled. Over the years, things have changed and dental science has evolved at a tremendous pace. Take a look at variations of braces like the ones make of ceramics or those that are very nearly invisible.  It was a matter of time before braces start entering the realm of fashion and suddenly we had great looking things in flashy colors with wires to match. 

Not Over Yet

The colored variety available today can be fun to wear as they do not look awkward and the user can continue to smile with a sparkle in his eyes. This sparkle is set to go up by a factor of many with the introduction of the ‘glow in the dark’ dental braces. Especially targeted at teens, these fluorescent braces are literally becoming a fashion rage. This sounds a bit like science fiction but the ‘glow’ element can be applied to any existing orthodontic attachment. It is used most commonly however on brackets and supporting bands of braces. The effect is magnetic. When these are applied, your teeth appear to sport a bright, fluorescent presence that attracts a lot of attention. Imagine, just the other day people did not want others to look at them if they were using braces and now; the story is quite the opposite.

The Methodology

This special glow-in-the-dark effect is achieved at the time braces are being prepared by applying a luminescent pigment.  The most common material is a combination of phosphorescent pigment made from zinc sulfide and copper. The beauty is that these braces look like any other type in day time but as the pigment keeps gathering and storing light, the same gets emitted in the dark thus providing that special effect. Of course if one is obsessed with the idea of braces that must emit during the day as well, the same can easily be achieved.

User Is King

We are fully conscious of the possibility that you may tire of using glowing braces all the time. As the user, you decide whether you want temporary glow-in-the-dark braces instead. In these, the bands can be changed each time you visit the clinic for adjustments. Have no fears about harmful effects of chemicals used in making these bands. Your health is in good hands; trust our Miramar orthodontist!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Cronauer and Angelakis Orthodontists in Florida

Welcome to Cronauer and Angelakis Orthodontists. 

Our Offices

Located right outside of Fr. Lauderdale, Florida are our two orthodontic offices for our patients convenience

View Drs. Cronauer and Angelakis - Orthodontist - Davie, FL in a larger map
Davie Office: 954-680-6160

View Drs. Cronauer and Angelakis - Orthodontist - Pembroke Pines, FL in a larger map
Pembroke Pines Office: 954-983-1610

About The Cronauer & Angelakis Practice

With over 45 years of combined orthodontic experience, our patients are assured comprehensive and effective treatment. We individually analyze the initial records for each case to accurately diagnose and develop a personalized plan for orthodontic treatment. 

Our office atmosphere is friendly and relaxed, where patients feel comfortable and confident in quality orthodontic care. 

Our Patients Are Our Priority

Since our patients' well-being is priority, we emphasize fast, asethetic solutions while avoiding unnecessary or premature treatment. Give us a call today, we look forward to meeting you!